POLITICAL NEWS & EVENTS (debates, elections, documentaries)
Richard Nixon - Yesteryear Recordings - Checkers, Old Glory, & Resignation Speach  (1978)
Reagan - PBS Presidents Collection (2 disc) Documentary
9/4/17 The Reagan Show (1.5hrs)  CNN filmmakers special - behind the scenes footage uncovered
 1981 & 1985 Ronald Regan  Inaugurations and ceremonies/galas /speeches (ABC coverage from old VHS personal tape)      

1982  Ronald Reagan - 1982 State of Union Address (+ interview)  some tracking problems  (old Betamax taping)
1988 Democratic National Convention- Just the JFK Jr. introduction speech and Robert Kennedy's speech (about 1hr - from old VHS recording) NBC
1988 Presidential Debate - Media Pulse Analysis (graphing)
Hillary Clinton - Celebration for Children Special  (date?)
1989 George Bush Inauguration Speech (plus Ronald Regan Story)
1989 President Bush - First Speach before Congress  (2hrs)

1992 Presidential Debate Highlights    (147min)
1993  Presidential Inauguration Coverage - 42nd President Bill Clinton  CSPN  4hrs 40min
1993  Presidential Inauguration Coverage --  NBC coverage- 6 hours approx.  (2 disks)
1/13/93 Clinton Inaugural Reunion on the Mall   (from personal VHS)  &  1/19/93 Clinton Inaugural Gala at the Captial Centre   (from personal VHS) (3 DISC SET)
1993  Presidential Inaugural Celebration for Children - & 42nd Pres. Clinton Inaugural Gala  w/ Barbara Streisand (4hrs) CSPN
The New Clinton Chronicles       Documentary regarding the clinton scandals  (1996)
4/27/94 Richard Nixon Funeral Ceremony  (CNN from VHS tape)  3hrs worth
1996 (circa)  Hilary Clinton Interview on 20/20 show
1997 Presidential Inaugural Coverage - Clinton reelected to 2nd term  (only 2hrs 20min coverage)
1998 (august?)  President Clinton Addresses country and admits relations with Monica Lewinski + Space Shuttle launch and returns to space (john Glenn returns to space)  (2hrs of coverage)
George Bush - Al Gore  -  2nd Debate  (1:40  NBC)
9/3/04  George W. Bush acceptance speach at Republican Convention (+ Journalist's and Kerry's rebuttal)   4hrs of coverage
9/30/04 Presidential Debate #1  Bush-Kerry  "foriegn affairs"
10/5/04 Vice Presidential Debate  Cheney-Edwards
10/8/04 Presidential Debate #2 Bush-Kerry  "town hall"
10/13/04 Presidential Debate #3 Bush-Kerry "domestic issues"11/2/04 FOX News Election Day  Coverage  7 disks (4hrs each = 28 hours)
1/20/05  George W. Bush -  2nd Inaugural Events  8 hours MSNBC coverage from 9am-5pm speech & parade (2 disks)
1/20/05  George W. Bush -  2nd Inaugural Events  8 hours FOXNews coverage from 9am-5pm speech & parade (2 disks)
Jon Stewart – The Daily Show  (2004 democratic and republican conventions) 2disks
Jimmy Carter - 70th Birthday Tribute - Live event from the Carter Center, GA.
The 25 Funniest Political TV Commercials   (30min)
10/9/06 Virginia  Senate Debate:  George Allen – Jim Webb  (public TV)  1hr
8/5/07 Republican Candidates Debate   CNN  (2hrs)
Presidential Scandals & Comic clips  (2 DVD)
9/3/08 Republican National Convention – Guliani speech and Sarah Palin speech (2 disks)
9/4/08 Republican National Convention – John McCain speech
9/26/08 Presidential Debate - O'bama - McCain  (2hrs)
10/2/08 Vice Presidential Debate  Palin/Biden  (1.5hrs)
10/7/08 Presidential Debate  (2nd debate) missing first minutes  Obama - McCain
10/15/08 Presidential Debate (3rd debate)  McCain/Obama (1.5hrs)
11/4/08   ELECTION 2008 Fox News COVERAGE   1pm-6pm coverage and then  6pm-2am coverage --  covers primary returns and the eventual call of Obama as president elect  (multiple disks)
1/20/09 Election of President Obama  (ABC, NBC, FOX, FoxNews Coverage) -  (numerous disks - extensive coverage

SNL:  Best of Saturday Night Live- SNL Presidential Bash  (1995)  94min
Mark Russell's 25th Anniversary Special  - PBS video  (2000)  1hr
10/3/12 Presidential Debate:  Obama V Romney   (1st of 3 debates)  1.5hrs
10/11/12 Vice Presidential Debate:  Biden V Ryan
10/16/12 Presidential Debate:  Obama V Romney  (2nd of 3 debates) Town Hall style
10/22/12 Presidential Debate:  Obama V Romney  (3rd of 3 debates)
11/6/12 Election Night Coverage - NBC feed  --         Obama re-elected  (9hrs)
11/6/12 Election Night Coverage - FOXnews feed --  Obama re-elected (9hrs)
1/21/13 Inauguration of President O'Bama - second term  (NBC coverage starts with today show)
1/21/13 Inauguration of President O'Bama - second term (Fox local coverage from 8:30am -4:30pm)
1/21/13 Inauguration of President O'Bama - second term (ABC local coverage from full 6hrs of coverage)
1/21/13 Inauguration of President O'Bama - second term (CBS local coverage from 10am -3pm)
8/6/15 GOP Republican Debate -  FOX news - 1st debate - TRUMP vs Megyn Kelly! (2hrs
9/16/15 GOP Republican Debate - CNN  - 2nd debate - Trump/Fiorina/Bush and more  (3hrs 30min - 2 discs)
12/15/15 GOP Republican Debate - CNN  - 3rd and final debate (3:30)
1/14/16   6th Republican Debate   (Fox Business News)    TRUMP
2/18/16 Republican Town Hall debate  (day 2 features 3 of 6 candidates: Trump, Bush, Kaisch)
3/3/16  10th Republican Debate -  Rubio and Cruz attack Trump as trump pulls away in delgate lead
3/10/16  GOP Republican 11th Debate   Trump Cruz Kaisch    (CNN) 4hrs
9/26/16 Presidential Debate:  Clinton - Trump
10/4/16 Vice Presidential Debate: Pence - Kaine
10/9/16 Presidential Debate: Clinton - Trump
10/19/16 Presidential Debate: Clinton - Trump
11/8/16-11/9/16 Election Night Coverage CNN & FoxNews (10 discs)
2017 Donald Trump Inauguration Coverage:
1/19/17 Trump Pre Inauguration Concert   (fox news  (4hrs)
1/20/17 Inauguration and Parade  NBC LOCAL   (4 discs 16 hrs)
1/20/17 Inauguration and Parade  ABC LOCAL   (2 discs 6 hrs)
1/20/17 Inauguration and Parade  FOX LOCAL   (2 discs 6 hrs)
1/20/17 Inauguration and Parade  CNN   (4 discs 16 hrs)
1/20/17 Inauguration and Parade  FOXNews   (4 discs 16 hrs) 

11/30/18 George HW Bush Funeral - Foxnews and local fox coverage (2hs)
9/27/18 Brett Kavanaugh (soon to be supreme court judge) - Ford testimonies   (Ford claims sexual harassment in the 1980's)  (both testimonies = 4 discs)
6/18/19 President Trump Announces he will run for Re-Election - rally in Orlando FLA (2hr)
6/27/19 1st Democrat  Debate Night 1 and 2 (2 discs) phew!
7/30/19 2nd Democrat Debate Night 1 and 2 (2 discs) 
9/16/19 3rd Democrat  Debate  (only top 10 candidates)  ABC
10/16/19 4th Democrat Debate (top 12)  CNN
2/4/20 Trump delivers State of the Union Address - does well and many honored guests including Rush Limbaugh  
2/19/20 Democrat Debate (Las Vegas) Mike Bloomberg in debate and gets pummeled by rest of "cantidates"  (2hr NBC)
9/29/20 1st presidential debate  TRUMP v BIDEN  (what a mess!)
10/7/20 Vice Presidential debate  Pence v Harris
10/15/20 President Trump Town Hall on NBC (2hrs)
10/15/20 Joe Biden Town Hall on ABC   (2.5hrs)
10/22/20 3rd (last) Presidential debate TRUMP v BIDEN (better)
11/3/20 Election Night CNN footage  (4pm-3am)  3 discs
11/3/20 Election Night FoxNews footage (2 discs)
11/4/20 Day after Election (nothing decided yet) FoxNews (4rs)
1/20/21 Joe Biden Inauguration FoxNews coverage (3 discs= 12hrs)
1/20/21 Joe Biden Inauguration  CNN coverage (4 discs = 16hrs)
2/20/21 RUSH LIMBAUGH - In His Words (1hr FoxNews tribute to the late Rush)

